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Trouble Shooting

  • Ensure that there is only one user logged in at a time. 

  • Ensure that you are using the latest client install program that is found on the admin portal website – upper right corner.

  • Ensure that .Net 4.7 framework is installed.

  • Even if the program was installed by someone with Administrator Rights, please “Run as Admin” the program from the Program Menu. This only has to be done the very first time it is used. 

  • Please ensure that the security permissions is set at Full Control for “all users” or “Everyone” for two folders:

  • c:programfiles(x86)/epanicbutton

  • c:programdata/epanicbutton

Simply find the folders, right click and click Properties on the rclick menu. On the security tab, change permissions by clicking the edit button. Then for “All Users” or “Everyone”, give them full control and select Apply.  This should help give any users the right to access these files.

  • Check your antivirus. Please temporarily turn off Windows Defender or include ePanicButton to its exception rules (you can also check them for any block attempts).  Try temporarily disabling it or exclude our program/folders in the settings, all in the c:programfiles (x86)/epanicbutton folder:

    • ePanicClient.exe

    • ePanicButtonReceiver.exe


If Installation still persist, please send any relevant information to support (at), including:

  • a description of the station (Windows operating system and any anti-virus program)

  • an description of the issue (where did it fail) and screenshots

  • the log files found in C:programfiles(x86)/epanicbutton/logging

  • the event viewer error or warning logs found in
    Control Panel/System and Security/Event Viewer/Windows/Applications


Configuration Issues

Changing User Profile details

Please understand that user profile changes are “pushed up” and not “pulled down”. Meaning, that to change someone’s name or phone number in their profile, it must be done locally. At that station, right click the red icon in the notification tray and select “Modify Profile” and then make the required changes. Changing the info on the admin portal will not push the changes down locally on the machine.  We apologize if this may be inconvenient and we are looking to enable this feature in the future.

Can’t Create a Button?

You can have as many buttons as you like. If you can’t create a button, it is likely that you are trying to create a button that has an icon or a hotkey already used by another button. Please confirm that there are no other buttons within the same group that have the same icon, name or hotkey.

Order of the Buttons on Scroll up Window?

For the scroll up window that you get when you mouse over the red icon in the notification tray, the order of the buttons from left to right is in the order of creation. So the latest created button will be on the right.


Messaging Issues

Getting Emails/Texts, but not Desktop Alerts?

First, check your Desktop Alert Receivers list on the Admin Portal. If those designated to get the desktop alerts still do not get them, relaunch the program on those receiver stations. Right click the white icon in the notification area by your clock. Click unload and then relaunch from the Program Menu. Or simply reboot.

Why are the desktop alerts not being sent?

First, a sender cannot send a desktop, pop up alert to themselves. We purposely set it this way so that the program cannot be mistakenly configured and have a threatened worker set off their own computer and anger the perpetrator.

Emails or SMS text delayed or not received?

There may be some spam filtering that is blocking or delaying the messages. Please notify us of the message, date/time and the email and/or phone number that is having the issue and we will investigate on our end.

Stop False Alarms?

While it is not possible to move the icon, you can hide the icon so that it won’t be moused over accidentally. The method to hide the icon may depend on the Operating System version but they are all similar – see webpage. In addition, you can set a delay in the button to stop false alarms. In the edit button window, the Send Delay feature can be sent in 0, 5 or 10 seconds. See a video tutorial HERE.

More Than One User Logged In?

Currently, on each workstation where it is installed, the program will only work for the first person who is logged in to the computer and not any concurrent, subsequent users. So, it will work for the first person who logs in but if a second user logs in without the first logging out (just switching users), that second user will not be able to send the ePanic messages (or for third, fourth, etc. users). As the program will have the same profile no matter who is logged in, whoever is logged in, it will send the profile info that is listed for that station (right click the red icon and select Modify Profile to view). We are looking to fix this issue soon.


However, we are here to help. Call/email anytime but it is best if you schedule any trouble-shooting sessions. We will need access to the station and someone who has Administrative Rights. 


support (at)


130 Inverness Plaza #201 Birmingham, AL 35242                  919-590-0574

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