Based on the number of Installed Workstations which require the ePanicbutton program
to send and/or receive the desktop, pop up alerts.

Email, text, voice-call recipients do not require the ePanic Button software
but it is required to receive the desktop, pop up alerts.
The max number of email, text, voice-call recipients equals the max number of workstations installed.
Example: if account has 20 licenses, they can install up to 20 computers and can send emails, text and voice calls up to 20 receivers each (20 email addresses, 20 phones for text and 20 phones for voice-calls).
Additional email, text, voice-call recipients are $100 per group of 50.
*No additional fees for setup or routine support.
License tied to the workstation, not users.
Multiple users can use the program on the same workstation (not simultaneously - 1 user at a time)